Welcome to Our Neighborhood!
This site is maintained by Hunter's Park Community Association, Inc. and is designed to be a communications center and an information resource for our residents. It is not necessary to log into this website, all pages are now public.  Make account payments using the Portals link in the "Online Payments" box below.  Feel free to contact us with your comments and suggestions.
General Neighborhood Information

Useful Links
Drainage Project Supervisor to contact with questions/concerns is Luis Bermudez, reach him at 281-678-5733
Habitat for Humanity Northwest Harris County 281-477-0460
See if you qualify for any home repair services:
Going on a nice vacation soon?
Look to the left and click on Access to Resident Forms for Precinct 5 Vacation Watch forms.  You can fill it out online or at the HPCA office.  Deputies will check on your house while you're gone.
Do you qualify for any exemptions through the Harris County Appraisal District?  Homestead, over-65, solar energy exemptions?  Click below for info and forms:
For Bear Creek Village Subdivision Drainage Improvement info refer to the attachments below that include project manager contact information and maps:

Collections/Deed Restriction Updates
Updated 1/31/25
Bear Creek Village has 1968 properties
The following information will be posted and updated when applicable:
Active HC Court Proceedings - 1  (due to non-payment of assessments)
Liens - 27 due to non-payment of assessments
The management system creates a letter for each violation.  A property might have several violations noted on one day and therefore receive several letters.  Total DR letters does not mean total properties.
Deed Restriction Violations during the month of January 2025:
Total DR letters sent 212
Still open at the close of the month 95
Courtesy letters - 35 sent/16 still open
Praise letter - 1
Yard - 17/1
Trash Can in View - 83/41
More than 2 dogs - 2/0
Clean street gutters - 2/0
Tree limb removal - 2/1
Misc. Items in view - 9/3
Debris removal - 15/3
Roof Repair - 2/1
Parking on the grass - 8/3
Inoperative vehicles - 8/5
RV/Trailer in view - 3/2
Repair mailbox - 2/1
Fence/gate repair - 2/2
Unacceptable window cover - 1/1
Mildew - 3/2
Stump removal needed - 4/3
Misc. maintenance 3/3
Commercial vehicle - 3/2
Broken bball goal - 2/1

Online Payments - Make Them Here!
If you do not already have a login for Portals, please email office@bearcreeknetwork.org.  Request Portals access and include your property address.  Or call the HPCA office at 281-463-1216.
Owners will be sent an email invitation to Portals in order to create a personal login for the account.  Owners will have access to account history and be able to make payments with an e-check or credit or debit card
Processing fees will apply to all online payments, a flat $2.00 per e-check and 3% of the total credit/debit card paid at the time; processing fees are not paid to HPCA.
When making an online payment using your checking or savings account, you will be prompted to put in the name you have on your bank account twice.  This is a requirement of the banking institutions.

Architectural Control Information
ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL REMINDER: All exterior changes, including roofing, painting, structural additions, etc. to your home must be submitted to the HPCA office for review and approval.  As per HPCA documents, the ACC committee has 30 days in which to render a decision unless an extension is requested but turnaround time for approval can be very quick depending on the request. In many cases you can submit things like roof style/materials via email for the fastest response.  Please leave paint examples at the office with your ACC form.  Once an owner has submitted an ACC application an acceptance or denial will be mailed/emailed to the owner.  
Please complete the Architectural Review Application and email to hpca@BearCreekNetwork for consideration. (If this document is opened in Adobe Reader – a free app – it can be completed online, saved, and emailed directly to HPCA.)
The Architectural Control Committee will answer your request as soon as possible.
A few notes:
ROOF REPLACEMENT - Must be at least a 30- year, dimensional, architectural design shingle (Metal roofs will be considered.)
EXTERIOR PAINT - Color choices for house and trim must be listed by manufacturer and exact color number.
FENCE repair – 6 foot maximum picket; may also have a 6” rot board.  FENCE staining must also be approved.  If you are requesting to move your fence line, please include a detailed drawing.  (Refer to Public Document - Deed Restrictions - Any Section - DR#12 - Page 3)

Contacting HPCA
CONTACTING THE OFFICE:  Staff is on site Monday through Friday (except holidays), taking phone calls, greeting residents and taking care of the many tasks of a homeowners association.   
Resident Hours are as follows:
**Mon/Tue and Thurs 10am - 4pm
**Wed 10am - 2pm
**Fri 10am - 3pm
If you think your in-person conversation with office personnel is going to take more than 5 minutes please call and make an appointment so you can meet with the appropriate person and have our undivided attention.
If the staff is busy and unable to answer your call please leave a message and your call will be returned by the staff person most able to answer your concerns.  If a message is not left, no return call will be made.    If your issue is of a criminal nature always call the constable dispatch at 281-463-6666, any time day or night.
NOTARY SERVICES FREE TO RESIDENTS;  Available during office hours (see above).  Be aware of the number of witnesses your specific paperwork may require.  If it is more than one, you may need to bring a witness or witnesses with you.
Go to FAQs for more information and forms.
UPDATE YOUR CONTACT INFO: Please call the HPCA office, 281-463-1216, or email office@bearcreeknetwork.org if your preferred mailing address or contact information has changed.  If you use our ComWeb Portals Owner Access application you can make contact information changes yourself through Portals.  For more ComWeb Portals Owner Access information please contact office@bearcreeknetwork.org.
PAYMENTS: To make a payment at the HPCA office, put your check, cashiers check or money order in one of the two mail slots (NO CASH). To PAY ONLINE you must log into your Comweb Portals account.  If you have an outstanding balance, statements are emailed/mailed out each month, please refer to your latest statement for the balance.
Have the title company contact office@bearcreeknetwork.org with requests for a title transfer, a resale certificate or refinance information. 
The fees are as follows:
Title Transfer - $250
Resale Certificate - $200
Refinance Fee - $50
Governing Bear Creek Village
Sections 01-13 & Bear Creek Trails
4503-A Hickory Downs Drive
Houston, Texas  77084
Fax 281-463-4071

Board/Resident Monthly Meetings
Hunter's Park Community Association Board of Directors holds open monthly meetings with residents and owners on the second Thursday of each month, February through December. The agenda generally includes a security report, deed restriction report, a neighborhood activity and calendar update. After these segments of the meeting, the floor is open for resident/owner questions and comments.  After the open meeting the Board of Directors holds a closed business meeting.  Meetings are held at the Community Center at 4503 Hickory Downs unless otherwise noted on the calendar.
The Annual Members Meeting is held each January on the fourth Thursday at 7:30pm.

Upcoming Events
Monthly Resident/Board Member Meeting
Thursday, February 13th, at 6:30pm at the Community Center
The monthly HPCA meeting is open to all residents of Bear Creek Village.  Come if you have questions, come to meet the Board of Directors, come if you want to hear about upcoming events in the neighborhood.  A security report is given as well as a deed restriction report.
Monthly Resident/Board Member Meeting
Thursday, March 13th, at 6:30pm at the Community Center
The monthly HPCA meeting is open to all residents of Bear Creek Village.  Come if you have questions, come to meet the Board of Directors, come if you want to hear about upcoming events in the neighborhood.  A security report is given as well as a deed restriction report.

Trash Pickup Notice
GFL Customer Service:
Call 281-368-8397 or
Email gflcshouston@gflenv.com
PINK is the color this quarter
MONTH OF April 2025
HPCA's contract with GFL allows for an annual CPI-U rate adjustment of up to 5% (Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers). The Annual CPI-U rate adjustments are standard in any trash service contract.  This is based on the June 2024 overall national CPI-U increase of 3.75%.  The increase will be seen in the October 2024 GFL invoice.
(in garage, backyard or behind
an approved structure)
Place polycarts at the curb facing
the street by 7am on service days
GFL is our trash provider. Service is set up through and fees are directly paid to GFL by each resident household. To renew or begin service, call 281-368-8397. All service and billing questions should be directed to this number or the email listed above.
TUESDAY - Household waste, heavy trash & recycling
FRIDAYS - Household waste & heavy trash
As a reminder, the following items are NOT acceptable for normal bulk service:
Construction debris...Sheetrock Insulation...Concrete
Metal items...Dirt...Fence Sections
Propane tanks...Tires...Stone or tile
GFL allows a 30-day grace period into the new quarter.
GFL operates a sticker program. You must have the appropriate colored sticker for the large household trash polycart and smaller recycle polycart.  A current stickered polycart must be placed at the curb in order for yard debris placed at the curb or heavy trash to be picked up.  Every quarter, after your bill has been paid, a set of 2 colored stickers will be mailed to you. Put the stickers on a clean, dry surface on each of the two polycarts so it is visible to the GFL truck.
Heavy trash is limited to two (2) items per service day and at least 3 yard bags.
Depending on the total neighborhood yard waste volume for the day, GFL may have to limit the number of yard bags picked up. Please put as many yard waste bags as possible in the larger polycart. Your tree service provider should remove all trunks and branches. Smaller trees and bushes should be bundled in 4 foot lengths for pickup.
Concerning recycling materials: all items must be rinsed and dry and loose in the smaller recycle polycart. Do not bag recycle materials, and do not recycle glass or pizza boxes.

Harris County Animal Cruelty Taskforce

If you ever need to report a case of animal cruelty or neglect, there is a new resource: Harris County Animal Cruelty Taskforce. The taskforce was formed with the primary goal of streamlining the process of where and how animal cruelty can be reported in the Greater Houston Area. Call 832-927-PAWS to report or go their website and fill out the form provided. The website has important information on how to respond if/when you witness animal cruelty.


Concerned about loose dogs in BCV? You can report any activity, any time to Harris County Animal Control, 281-999-3191.  You can also call 311 and get connected to HCAC. Please call with a description, a location and a possible owner address.  Pictures can be emailed to HCAC once a complaint is made.  
Call Harris County Precinct 5 Constable dispatch as well for a deputy to respond immediately, 281-463-6666.


News of Note

HCFCD Bear Creek Village Drainage Project Information

Questions about the project?  Email recovery@eng.hctx.net


NEIGHBORHOOD RESOURCES: Many questions you have concerning the neighborhood, trash service, street lights, security, etc., are answered here on our website by going to the FAQ section of this website. 


SECURITY: Always call Constable Dispatch at 281-463-6666 concerning any suspicious activity you see, anytime day or night. Do not wait. If you want to also report it to the HPCA office this does not take the place of making a report to Dispatch.  Always call Constable Dispatch first and when the suspicious activity is occurring.  These calls can be anonymous and if you do not want an officer to come to your house for a follow-up just say so.  Officers can call or meet you at a separate location if you want to speak with them about the occurrence.

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
HHW Info Hotline: 281.560.6200 (Español: 281.560.6232)
Click here to see what qualifies as HHW.
How to drop off your HHW items:
Harris County provides free disposal of HHW at the following location:
6900 Hahl Road (290 & North Gessner - less that 10 miles from BCV)
Now open to the public by APPOINTMENT ONLY on Tues/Wed/Thurs and the 2nd and 4th Saturday
Click below for appointment information.
For additional dates and holiday closures, go to: Harris County Engineering
Water District  281.375.5978
Residents can sign up for HCUD6 Text Alerts by texting "HCUD6" to 720-500-8276