The Fine Print
Purpose of Hunters Park Community Association
Hunters Park Community Association (HPCA) handles the financial and legal affairs of the subdivision. Each lot owner is required to pay an annual maintenance fee which is used to pay street lights; taxes on and maintain the common areas, such as the swimming pools, tennis courts, etc.; pay for security; and pay legal expenses incurred to enforce the deed restrictions.
The Board meets every month at 6:30 p.m. in the meeting room of the community center. Residents are welcome to attend. Anyone wishing to place an item of the agenda should contact the HPCA office in advance.
Call 281-463-1216 to contact the HPCA office or residents may email
Board members hold three year staggered terms and are elected. The election process is as follows:
1.) Ballot Applications will be mailed out with the Annual Maintenance fee statements.
2.) Voting in person will begin on the 1st Monday after the Annual Meeting ending on the following Saturday at 7:00 p.m.
HPCA Resident Service Hours: Open M/Tu/Th 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Wed 10:00am - 2:00pm, Fri 10:00am - 3:00pm
Closed weekends and major holidays.
We have an answering system where messages may be left during non-office hours. Leave name, number, address & topic in order to receive call back.
HPCA employs two workers to provide coverage for the office. Every effort is made to have one of the employees in the office at all times. Occasionally business of the association my require them to be out of the office for a short period of time. If they are out of the office when you call or if you call after hours, please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible during business hours.
Deed Restrictions
Deed restrictions are strictly enforced by HPCA. Copies of the restrictions are available in the documents section of this website. The complaint form is available to be printed from our website. The HPCA office verifies complaints and writes/emails letters to violators. Legal action will be initiated when warranted, to enforce deed restrictions.
Architectural Control
You must submit any plans for improvements, modifications, remodeling or painting of your home to the HPCA office. Your plans will be checked to insure that they comply with HPCA documents and deed restrictions. This includes re-roofing, play forts (8 ft. height limit), temporary storage buildings, etc. Please call the office if you need assistance.
HPCA provides additional security through a contract with Commissioners Court for four Precinct 5 Harris County Constables. HPCA also hires off-duty deputies on an as-needed basis for additional coverage. Please call the Constable's Office at 281-463-6666 to report any suspicious person, activity or for a vacation watch.
GFL Trash Collection
HPCA contracts solely with GFL and users their sticker program. GFL collects our trash on Tuesdays (poly carts, heavy trash & recycling) and Fridays (poly carts, heavy trash only). The homeowner's maintenance fee does not pay for garbage pick-up, nor is trash service included in the water bill. You must call GFL to start service. GFL is the billing agent and bills are generated Quarterly by GFL. Once a resident quarterly payment is received 2 stickers are mailed to the property and are to be placed on each cart. One poly cart and recycling bin are provided free of charge. No pickups are scheduled on New Year's Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day. Pickup will resume the next regularly scheduled day.
Additional information to know:
If your cart is missed on a regular pick-up day, please call GFL customer service to report.
All tree trimmings need to be cut in four (4) feet lengths and bundled.
Heavy trash collection is both Tuesday and Friday. This is for the collection of appliances, furniture, etc., two (2) pieces per pick-up day. If you need a special pickup, please call GFL.
For customer service at GFL, call 281-368-8397 between 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. on weekdays.
The trash should not contain rocks, dirt, bricks, roofing, lumber, tires, large pieces of metal or very large items such as box springs and mattresses. The trucks are not equipped to handle such heavy items and can be damaged by these items during compacting. Also not allowed are used motor oil, gasoline, paint or chemicals. It is illegal to dispose of flammables in the trash.
Some items that will not be picked up by GFL:
a. Tree limbs that are not tied and bundled.
b. Construction debris - rocks, bricks, concrete, dirt, roofing, lumber, carpet, etc.
c. Unsafe containers (sharp edges, holes, etc.)
d. Container or bag over 40 pounds.
e. Container over 32 gallons.
f. Tires, batteries, paint, hazardous chemicals, large tree trunks, motor oil, etc.
g. Refrigerators that have not been drained of Freon. Must be tagged by a certified refrigerant recycler.
All trash should be bagged. Recycled material should NOT be bagged.
The Water Board is a tax assessing board that levies water and sewer taxes and hires a Tax Assessor Collector to collect for them. Inframark was hired by the Water Board to manage the utility district and they can assist you if you have any problems. The Water Board meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m
. Members hold staggered four (4) year terms. Election details can be found on the
HCUD6 website.
The glass case located on the north side of the Community Center building is specifically for HCUD6 meeting information and postings.