F r e q u e n t l y      A s k e d     Q u e s t i o n s
How do I contact the County?
To submit a work order for Harris County, call Harris County Precinct 4's Community Assistance office at 832-927-4444, or go to hcp4.net and fill out the form under Community Assistance Requests.  This office handles street repairs, sign repairs, tree limbs hanging over a street, traffic signal and intersection improvement and many other items.
What is WHCRWA?
West Harris County Regional Water Authority.  Go to www.SurfaceWaterSupplyProject.com for all information concerning construction in our area beginning in 2021 (Segment C2).  If you would like to speak with someone call 1-844-638-7977.
Who pays for our street lights?
HPCA pays this monthly utility bill for all residents. The annual maintenance fee helps to cover this expense.
Who do I call when a streetlight is out?
Contact Reliant Energy at 713-207-2222. You will need to give the address where the pole is located and provide the stenciled number on the front of the pole. You may also report the outage on the Centerpoint website.
I'm going to be out of town. Can the Constables keep an eye on my house?
Yes! Submit your information to the Pct. 5 Constables Department here: Vacation Watch Request.
If I want to repaint my house do I need to contact HPCA first?
Any changes made on the property or to the exterior of structures (including garage) must be
submitted to HPCA for approval before making any changes or additions. This includes painting, roofing, structures, additions, etc.. Please bring detailed drawings and/or paint samples to the HPCA office.
How old is our neighborhood?
Bear Creek Village was founded in December, 1973.
How do I get a copy of the deed restrictions?
All deed restrictions are available to be viewed on this website, under the PUBLIC DOCUMENTS menu. You will need to know your property's section number to find the correct set of deed restrictions. This information would be with your closing documents, or can be accessed by viewing your Harris County Appraisal District public record online. 
Is there a cost for using HPCA's Clubhouse, and if so what is the fee? What does the fee cover?
HPCA chargea a $250.00 deposit to hold your date. The rental fee is $55.00 per hour. Fire code will only accommodate 35 persons and smoking and alcohol usage are prohibited. Please keep in mind that there is limited parking at the Community Center. The deposit is for any damages incurred and is refundable the day after the event, providing the room is restored to its original condition and there are no damages.
For additional rental details Clubhouse Reservation Agreement.
What does our annual maintenance fees pay for?
Some of the items that our maintenance fees cover are:
- Security, four Precinct 5 Deputy Constables
- Streetlights
- Utilities (electricity, water, gas, phones for community center, office, two pools, tennis courts & entries)
- Subdivision insurance
- Landscape and maintenance of our common areas
- Enforcement of deed restrictions (legal)
- Office expenses (HPCA is self-managed, on-site in Bear Creek Village)
- Maintenance & repairs of pools, perimeter fencing, tennis courts, community center and office
The fees are also used to make capital improvements to our neighborhood.
How do I file a deed restriction complaint?
You may file a complaint in writing by mailing it to the HPCA office (4503-A Hickory Downs Dr), by emailing your concerns to deedrestrictions@bearcreeknetwork.org or by calling the HPCA office (281-463-1216). Any complaints filed are always kept confidential. Refer to the DOCUMENTS section of this website to print the complaint form.
How do I book a pool party?
Contact our swimming pool management company online at Aquatic Advisors.  Property must be in good standing to book a party.
How do I contact our Constables?
Contact Dispatch at 281-463-6666.